European funds

Project title: „Promotion of the Dysten Company’s products on international markets by means of participation in an IT/ICT branch-oriented program.”
Beneficiary: DYSTEN L.L.C.
Project cost: PLN 371 900,00
European Funds’ share: PLN 278 925,00
Project goals: predominant goal of the project is to promote the products of the Dysten Company on international markets by means of participation in an IT/ICT branch-oriented program, including taking part in selected exhibitory and fair-specific events as an exhibitory, participating in foreign economic missions, as well as performing additional information and promotion-oriented undertakings.
The scope of the project predominantly covers the markets of the Middle East (Israel, United Arab Emirates – UAE), as well as of Central and Eastern (Ukraine) countries.
Project outcomes: main outcome of the project will be the continuation of the international expansion strategy allowing for increasing export to chosen markets, acquiring new foreign contracts, as well as for promoting Polish enterprises and product brands abroad.
The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund, within the framework of the 2014-2020 Smart Development Operational Program, sub-measures 3.3.3. SME SUPPORT IN PROMOTING PRODUCT BRANDS – GO TO BRAND.