The dynamic passenger information system for Polish Rail – Radom Station
Coming soon, the official opening of Radom Station – investment by Polish State Railways Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. (PKP PLK)
Dynamic Passenger Information System
The station was modernized in 2015. The dynamic passenger information system PKP PLK decided to implement in 2020.
For the station in Radom, DYSTEN company has produced passenger information displays in accordance with the IPI-6 guidelines and integrated the devices with the CSDIP – Central Dynamic Passenger Information System. Double-sided displays with clocks were mounted on each edge of the platform. Info Kiosks have been installed on the platforms and in the underpass. Tunnels and underpasses are equipped with displays informing about train arrivals and departures. In addition to visual information, a new PA system has been installed.
80 devices accordance with PKP PLK regulations
In total, DYSTEN provided over 80 devices in accordance with the regulation “Guidelines on executive elements of the Central System of Dynamic Passenger Information and Accompanying Infrastructure IPI-6”.
Thus, PKP PLK completed functional tests this week. The tests have been successfully completed for displays delivered to the station in Radom, including platform edge displays, entrance platform displays, Departures / Arrivals displays, Infokiosks, Bulk Station Displays, platform entry sensors and operator’s station.
On June 18, DYSTEN was accepted into the “world of CSDIP” of Polskie Linie Kolejowe SA.
What did the passengers say about the new displays?
“Better boards than at other stations”
“Are awesome”
“It’s really good, we’ve waited a long time, but you have to admit they made an effort”
source of comments: Facebook