Public address system

Public address system

The public address system designed with platforms and stations in mind comes equipped with:

  • DYSTO public address system controller
  • amplifiers
  • speakers
  • ambient noise sensors
  • PUMI 1819-2 local microphone desktops

The public address system can emit voice messages automatically generated by the Dynamic Passenger Information System and broadcasted locally by operators or supervisors.



The public address system emits dynamic audio information on train timetables at railway stations and stops. A set of devices used to emit voice messages for travelers. The system is equipped with elements such as a public address system controller / audio decoder, audio amplifiers, loudspeakers, ambient noise level sensors, and local microphone desks.


The public address system emits dynamic audio information on train timetables at railway stations and stops. A set of devices used to emit voice messages for travelers. The system is equipped with elements such as a public address system controller / audio decoder, audio amplifiers, loudspeakers, ambient noise level sensors, and local microphone desks.