Premium railway station with train information display system provided by DYSTEN

HomeSystem Dynamicznej Informacji Pasażerskiej dla koleiPremium railway station with train information display system provided by DYSTEN

Łódź Kaliska stacja premium z nowymi peronami i systemem dynamicznej informacji pasażerskiej

Train information display system at Premium Station

Next implementation of train information display system in the portfolio of Dysten. This time, the Zabrza manufacturer has accepted the order for the production, delivery, assembly and launch of a complete real-time passenger information system for the premium passenger station. According to PKP PLK (national railway), there are 18 such facilities in Poland. These are the largest and most important stations in the country. They serve international, interduct and regional traffic, and are also important transport hubs on the city and region scale. On the highest-ranked facilities, travellers can count on the best service, the largest choice of different destinations and a wide range of commercial services.

To meet the highest standards of passenger service at the Premium facility, Dysten has installed more than 150 Dynamic Passenger Information System displays and a comprehensive public address system covering the entire area of the station.

In this way, passengers are well informed about the details of their journey, no matter where they are.

All implementing elements of the Central Dynamic Passenger Information System and the accompanying infrastructure comply with the Ipi-6 PKP guidelines of Polish Railways SA.

The equipment was installed on a modernized station. The main building of the station is just waiting for a major reconstruction, the investor – PKP SA plans to start the renovation of the property in the second half of 2023.

Visual Passenger Information System

The layout of the components of the dynamic passenger information system has been designed to enable passengers to quickly obtain the necessary information about the train they intend to use when entering the station and in any area of the facility intended for travelers.

Lódź Kaliska Station can be divided into three passenger information zones:

  • Before entering the station
  • Tunnels (underground passages)
  • Platforms

There are electronic information displays in each of these places.

Travelers entering the station from Wókniarzy Avenue (subterranean entrance from the intercity and city transport stops) are welcomed by Collective Displays Stationary Departure and Arrivals. Already at the beginning of the journey, the passenger is informed about the nearest departures and arrivals of trains and the number of the train on which the vehicle will appear. Such displays are also located in front of the entrances to the station from Bandurski Avenue and Union Lublin Avenue.

In the underground passages (tunnels) are installed Peron Entrance Displays, informing passengers about the nearest train departing or arriving on the peron. In addition, this zone is equipped with departure and arrival information displays, showing the nearest twenty connections of incoming and departing trains from Łódź Kaliska station.

On five platforms, in the area of basic use of platform stations, a total of 74 platform displays were installed. On the perrons were also installed Infokiosks and freestanding LCD TFT boards of departures and arrivals.

The station is equipped with a time signaling system consisting of five stationary clocks. The clocks receive real-time information from the NTP time servers of Polish Railways S.A.

Announcement system

The passenger notification and information system transmits information about arrivals, departures, delays, or changes in the course of a train obtained from CASDIP PKP PLK. The system is designed so that the transmitted content is heard and understood throughout the station. Therefore, the installed broadcasting system covers the area of five perrons throughout their length and width and the tunnels (communication lines) leading to and from the perrons.

The audio department is responsible for ensuring an adequate volume of broadcast messages and language comprehension and performs acoustic simulations before selecting and placing the elements of the broadcast system.

As a result, the hearing and understanding of voice messages throughout the station were achieved by installing 258 units of speakers and surrounding noise sensors. In addition, the station has been equipped with the necessary elements of the broadcasting system, such as a broadcast system controller and a microphone desk.

Scope of work – train information display system

Production, supply, installation, and operation of devices of the Passenger Information System according to the guidelines of PKP PLK (IPI-6) include:

Visual Information System:

  • 74 pieces of platform displays;
  • 13 pieces of infokiosks;
  • 32 pieces of departure and arrival information displays;
  • 20 pieces of peron entrance displays;
  • 12 pieces of arrival and departures collective displays;
  • 16 pieces of train movement sensors;
  • 5 pieces of peron clocks 60 cm;
  • position of operator;

Announcement System (SR)

  • broadcasting system controller with amplifiers:
  • microphone desk;
  • Speakers: tube speakers – 203 pieces at perons, column speakers – 55 pieces in tunnels;
  • Sensors ANS – 36 units

In addition, acoustic simulations were performed, measuring the value of the speech transmission index STI, measured by the STIPA method.

Passenger Information Display System devices and annoucement system devices have been integrated with the PKP PLK Central Dynamic Passenger Information System Application.

Łódź Kaliska railway station

Before the modernization, the station was used by 1.5 – 2.5 million passengers a year in recent years; now there will be even more travelers. Thanks to the modernization, more trains stop at the station, which is of great importance for local, regional, and, in the future, international connections. PKP Intercity, PolRegio, and Łódzka Kolej Aglomeracyjna trains stop at the station. Travelers now have better access to the railway with five new platforms and additional underground passages. What’s more, the reconstruction of the station better integrates the railway with public transport, as the new platforms are located close to the intercity bus station and city bus and tram stops.

Read more about the devices used in the implementation of the Łódź Kaliska premium station:

Do you make comparable investments? We are available to help with the execution, delivery, and installation of dynamic passenger information systems for your project. Contact us, and we’ll be pleased to assist you in making the right decisions and providing answers to your queries.